Monday 9 June 2014

Reasons why you should travel as a couple.

Hey lovelies..
As you've seen from the bio on the right of the blog and have probably noticed by now from some of the content, I love to travel! I need to be out there seeing the world, experiencing different cultures and for perspective. Everyone should do as much of this as they possibly can because we live in a truly amazing world. This post however is for why you should do it with your loved one, excellent reasons include:

- People who collect experiences are generally more happier than people who collect things. Experiences continue to bring joy through memories long after the event has occurred. I recently traveled to Zanzibar with my man and it was an incredible experience, we had so fun and just have tonnes of great stories from it, it also brought us a lot closer.

-Travel is educational. We all read about the history of world and see plenty of documentaries but why not bring the TV to life, travel to the places history has touched! When you do that together it's guaranteed to make the relationship more interesting.

- Vacations don't have to be to far off places, expensive or long all the time. A weekend to the nearest natural setting will work wonders for your mental health(away from the city chaos) and for your connection to the earth and each other. 

- Activities during your vacation like hiking, camping, snorkeling and other physical activities work as great bonding exercises. The pride you feel after having tried something new together will give your relationship a boost. We went snorkeling and it was amazing!

-Working together to navigate through a strange place, having time to relax and have conversation, exploring ideas.. vacations provide lots of opportunities for relationship growth. They can also test the strength of a rocky one too, so try to pre-plan your holiday at least a little to avoid fighting and maximize enjoyment.

- Learning about other cultures always helps you appreciate your own life together.

- Swanky hotels! Great hotel service, rooms and that general feeling of being relaxed is always good for you as a couple. Taking breaks from reality(from own chaotic lives) is always recommended.

- You'll never forget the time you went snorkeling at sunset, or held hands and kissed under water in the Indian ocean, or how you gazed at the stars whilst having reassuring talks and sipped umbrella vodka drinks, basking in the sun enjoying the perfect view. In fact, holiday memories get sweeter with time :)

Bottom line: holidays put people in a good mood. Travelling lets you de-stress and get back to basics of enjoying each other(more) and all the good things life has to offer.

Here's to your next trip :)
Take care

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