Sunday 29 May 2011

Interior design

This might seem to be a tad bit random :-/ and mybe its just a phase that am going through which I highly doubt as I cant seem to shake them off - these moments of temporaly insanity that take over me convincing me am doing the the wrong course :-(. Anyway yes so I follow and shes left me inspired. She is both very fashionable and into interior design.
To be honest I really think if you love fashion, make up your bound to slowly have interior design creep up to you, they practically come hand in hand. Think of your home as your body or self... I believe what shoes, watch, haircut you have says alot of about someone just like what and how your furnish your home applies to that too.
It comes with having an 'eye' for things fashion, great pieces constantly revolving and developing your style. Which I could say for interior design... I dont know how most work(as am not one(a designer)) but I would probably do up my whole house then probably feel or want another one to do. I guess thats probably why they go out and do other peoples homes, offices etc.. I probably wouldn't be able to do this hence why I mentioned it to be a 'tad bit random/phase' because am currently studying towards becoming a chartered accountant which is extremely hard and will probably leave no mentally capacity to take on another course...maybe a couple of years after lol! 
So many things i want to do ..a professional stylist, wedding planner, do freelance make up or maybe even photography..the bucket list goes onnnn... lol.. maybe one day ey?! Anyway my fabulous bestfriend on the other hand is studying interior design in Florence, Italy and I applaud her it and I know she will be very successful at it :) check out her blog Love her little music it really takes me away to our little resturant/lounge/coffee shop will be having some day with Spanish/Italian accents .. A TAPPAS BAR ..yes! Anyway this is her area of expertise so do check out her blog and be inspired my lovelies but below are a few images I love and have left me wanting more... Enjoy..

Simple very light closet with the infamous Lucite chair 

I love this minimalist bedroom

How comfy and the colours compliment each other really well and the Square room and coffee table and the simple lighting just warm, neutrals homey yet still elegant

lovely... yellow, orange, cream and purple. Who would have thought?

This bathroom *dies* 

This shower which is a streamer too... how cool? Seems easy to achieve 

I love this!!!! Semi circles, long drapes simple and classy. The best.

This bedroom is insane.. Alot of light.. personally even though it a fantastic concept to have the windows that way increasing light and creating great shadows you couldnt have curtains on this... right or maybe just ALOT of tiny blinds LOL

Hope I didnt bore you lot half to death :-/..
anyway thought I share my loves..
Take care.. stay blessed.. remember to work hard that
one day we maybe successful enough to build
what ever futures(HOMES) we want.

Monday 23 May 2011

Who Run The World.....? Girls !!!!

                    OH HAIL THE QUEEN.......

I was absolutely not BOTHERED about all the other performers 0_o yes yes I said it... I love me some Britney, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj but the Queen showed them how its done.
A complete and maybe even constant standing ovation. I was weeping throughout this whole tribe. She is so inspiring and her work ethic(that she mentioned was taught to her by her father) is FANTASTIC.
To have all these big names send you a personal message including the first lady is truly fitting for a great woman such as herself. I can not praise her enough... Enjoy and prepared to be moved......

Well done Beyonce, truly inspiring and a POSITIVE role model to ALL women all across the world and congratulations on winning the millennium artist award, there would be no one more deserving :)

    Remain inspired ladies and remember to never give up on your dreams...they do come true


Sunday 22 May 2011


Omg.... Ive wanted this MOSCHINO belt for God knows how long.... When it finally came in the post I was grinning like a Cheshire cat :)
It's not the thick strap one its what I would call a 'medium' but I love it because its so versatile. Am really trying to go more classic with my purchases that are above £100 and this belt cost twice that amount and i do intend to wear it until am old and grey LOL.. Picture me all very stylish and grey wearing Chanel, Louis Vuttion and Miu Miu.. beating my daughter and granddaughter off with my walking stick telling them "keep out of my closet" haha..
Am not complete though I still need me these...

And a Herve Leger dress :( 

Anyway here are some snap shoots of me wearing my new MOSCHINO belt :)

Anyway remember to give your heart what is that it desires as long as it not hurting another heart, its fine because being considerate of others too is very good :)

Take care my loves


This song cuts too deep.. sends chills round my body... although I wouldn't be in the position ie the other woman :-/ but it makes sense in other ways.. Olivia deserves another chance this song is really beautiful.. all the sudden am in this LOVE mood. I went through almost a whole year of not being able to listen to any soppy love songs because I would just burst into tears but I finally feel better and ready to love myself and maybe in a couple of months someone else *cringe* lol.. anyway will blog about my love life or lack of it another day... all my ladies enjoy this song ;)


Chris Brown - Should've Kissed You [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

This song is amazing!!!! Besides the fact that Chris Brown is growing yummier each day it baffles me how people can learn to forgive him and accept the imense talent he has. He too, is a human being an deserves a second chance. Am really happy that, the past events that have happened to him(all bad) have not made him give up on his dreams beacause the reality of it is that he is a very talented boy with alot more to offer...and we'd be the ones missing out on THIS!!!!
Out of all young Black singers his songs have more real scenarios, ones we can ACTUALLY relate and not just fantasy based songs for example this new one.... I really love this song.

                               Take care my Loves


The Sudden realisation that friends are not who you thought. In your life for their own selfish reasons whilst you gave them yourself selflessly. It takes a certain "eye" to see through such people, either that or you peel through their layers like a banana to find what is hidden beneath which can be anything from a sweet hard delicious centre or a mouldy yucky poisonous fruit. This revelation, if is the second of the two is enough to make one retreat, feel defeated and sit there questioning and scrutinising every moment you shared with your "friend" trying to understand why. Still this is all part of growth. In each and everyone's life their are people that will contribute for the better and even for the worst but its truly up to us to learn to take each loss as a lesson learnt.

Take care my lovelies 

Sunday 1 May 2011

Gianmarco Lorenzi

Now these shoes are fierce. I posted these babies in gold a while back but I had to do another..
These shoes are the sweet soft centre inside the hard candy. These shoes are CRISIS, PENG, CHOONG etc.. get it? This designer don't play. These shoes retail at almost $3000 a pop. So you know your not to messing around when you wear these babies. Can you imagine the sparkle on these babies.. its been said that they make about only 200 pairs a year and they use swarovski crystals. My girl Angela Simmons own a pair of these hot cupcakes. Obviously only cupcakes like herself and I can rock these shoes and not muffins.. lol

A girl can dream right? One day.. definitely
Take care

Waaaaa :'-(

I just wanted to have a little moan about these GORGEOUS Adidas Sleek Bow trainers i missed. Can you believe with my stupidity, I slept on these babies. I saw them on Asos as I doing my regular browse on their site. And i thought to myself you know what...~? I be back for them. I mean what's the rush right? I went back almost 2weeks later and I saw "item out of stock" I swear i dropped to my knees and sobbed ...WHY *kel voice*

Here is a picture of my gorgeous babies. I hope they bring them back :(

I'll keep searching. 
Take care my lovelies 


It seems the fellas have "up'ed" their game. Its becoming a real vain world we live in. Looks will get you places it seems. It was always the case for us females but am glad to finally start seeing that this double standard is decreasing... Here anyway, are a few pics of the yummy boys out here now...
Starting with Chris Brown(who deserves a second chance) he seems to do no wrong these days. he the complete package.. He sings, dances, TALL and is genetically blessed. He is freaking deeeeeeeeeelish!

This picture OMG..... jizzed

that smile... awww

Too lost in you..

These two fellas below.. yes am just as suprised as all of you to see them in my "CRUSHING ON" post. Starting with Drake who I must admit looks, well daper in this shot.

And Wiz is like my usual type.. Skinny, tatted, oozing natural swag.. laid back typa dude.. and trying my best to not fall for his type no more tho.. lol I think its called growing up.

And I love the next pic 

And to conclude this post.. Here are all the dudes that can get it.. except Wizzy hes not really my type .. 

Who are we all crushing over my lovelies ?? 
Until next time.. 

Take care