Tuesday 10 June 2014

Storage solutions: living room edition

Hello fellow home design lovers :)
I bring this post for all new home owners, intellects, graduates and hoarders(side eye). This is probably your first house/apartment, you've just started a new job and your front door(when opened) hits the back door. So small that you have to hang your TV outside the window because it doesn't fit in the house. You find yourself getting so stressed surrounded by claustrophobic rooms, yikes! Well, suffer no longer as I am here to help :)
These are incredible storage ideas for if you're working with small spaces/rooms. People tend to just buy furniture without really taking account for the room layout and space availability. Proportional furniture really helps, light paints make the room look more spacious, making the colour scheme as cool and neutral as possible helps too. A cool coffee table or bed that has built in storage is ideal for a small home/room. Shelves are great for if you have a huge collection of books that you don't want to throw out and for setting pictures, candles, flowers, souvenirs etc..

I love this shelf display, holds so much and still quite modern chic. TV's mounted on to the walls always work great and save a lot of space.

 If you didn't/don't have a study where in the world would you keep those books and dvds? Also there is no way you can convince a graduate, book worm  or intellect to throw out old books because they might read/use that book 10 years from now!

Or just build some sturdy shelves

I love this below and it creates a great divide between two rooms(living and possibly dining room/kitchen)

Now for Coffee tables. Please refrain from buying one of those that doesn't let you store anything in them.

I thought I might throw this in for luxury but how yummy is this table(which has plenty of storage btw)?

You've got to make your home look nice and successfully create your small space.
Above all else remember to keep it as clean and tidy as possible, remove unnecessary clutter too. Try limit possessions to those meaningful however don't make it too cold and impersonal. I hope this posts helped you all!
Take care


  1. Storage is the best thing you can have in any room, especially for women. We tend to buy/collect a lot of stuff and end up with nowhere to put it all lol. Great post!! I love the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th storage ideas!!

    1. I know.. I have sooo many things that need storing away in many different compartments lol. Thanks love :) xox
