Tuesday 8 April 2014

Beach essentials and my Easter plan

Hello pumpkins..

Well as you know Easter weekend is fast approaching and most of us working class can not wait to have those 4 days off! Lie ins and fry ups at home while watching crappy daytime television, sounds ideal to me lol! Anyway others will be making their way to their home villages to visit parents & grand parents which is what a lot of people will be doing here in Dar es Salaam. The town will finally have a little peace and quiet.

Lucky enough for me.. I'll be going away with my significant other to http://www.hideawaynungwi.com/ which is in Zanzibar for the long weekend and I am beyond excited. It's absolutely gorgeous and we are looking forward to spending some quality time there together.

Some images of Hideaway of Nungwi Resort & Spa ..


Below is my beach guide.. Everything I think a lady should have when she's pool or beach side :)

Included in this first compilation are: a duffle bag to stuff all your items in, a pair of Sunglasses, three one piece swim suits, a pair of havanna flip flops, bronzer for that sun glitter glow on the skin and finally the very important sunscreen.. It is very important to protect your skin from the sun no matter what race you are!

 In this second and last one there is the uber hot tiger print kimono, my favorite style in sunglasses, beach towels, cute pair of sandals in aztec print, Mini Ipod shuffle because some tunes while laying out is always good also reading material.. If you're laying out all day it's always good to have music, reading material, good company and my next item A DRINK lol. Ciroc is perfect for such time because you can just have it with fruit or some nice juice blends. Ladies remember to carry along with you some colorful, playful lipstick and these gorgeous rings to accessorize

Hope you all have great Easter plans and that you enjoy yourselves :-)




  1. Looks very serene and peaceful! Im sure you will enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Now following on GFC!:)


  2. Oh didn't see this lol will do that my beauty
