Tuesday 13 May 2014

I feel better when I..

Hello lovelies..

Well I've been feeling a little like how the weathers been here lately, gloomy and miserable!! You know when everything around you doesn't seem to make any sense at all.. You feel like you're alive but not really living *sobs* feeling like a mere grain of sand in the Sahara dessert.. Okay I'm sure you get it now lol.

Its really very easy to lose your mind or focus in an increasingly challenging world. There really is too many things that can trigger our minds and we slip into this downward spiral of negative emotions, this is very normal. What isn't, however is letting it consume you so much so that it makes your fail to appreciate all the great things you have in your life at the moment. We all have positives, we just have to sit and remember them all :)

Anything can cause low moods from lack of sleep, feeling overworked & overwhelmed, dwelling on something that happened with a loved one/colleague or how you handled a situation/task. The problem with letting them(low moods) continue is that it affects other areas of your life. Learn to quickly move on and carry on. We are all shaped by our thoughts and become what we think so if you're filled with negativity it's most likely that it will surround you too.

Below are some of my quick fixes to feeling better about life. I feel better when I:

- feel inspired. For me inspiration changes my mood and outlook on life. It gives me confidence to tackle life again when it seems that it's bulled me down. I feel inspired when I speak to someone who I feel is doing well in their career + hard working(my significant other), who has an inspiring story as to how they reached where they are(dad) or a positive + strong individual(mum).
I also feel inspired when I catch up on my favourite blogs on fashion, style, photography, travel and FOOD :) it makes me feel so happy within and motivated. Visual inspiration is so powerful and I love following them on their blog journey because it motivates me to carry on with mine.

-go shopping. Sorry not sorry! Retail therapy is incredible, lets just be honest. Conquering the emotional roller coaster of life one shopping bag at a time ;) I don't think I need to expand any further on this and this has got to be the quickest most instant relief lol.

-write it down. Once I write down how I'm feeling, I feel one thousand times better. I guess that's why I blog because I like to record how I feel. I am not a writer by profession LOL.. We can just somehow call it monitoring progress(or lack therefore :'( ). If you know me you'll know I've always kept diaries and note pads where I just write down random things. I also love writing lists as I feel a little more organised which always helps (revert to Clean space, clear mind post) sometimes I feel as if my priorities are out of balance and so the lists are there to help revise this.

-music and dance! As the famous Bob Marley once said "one good thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain" it's so perfect as you can play whatever your mood desires. There literally is a song for everything or feeling. It really is some form of magic! Dancing gets the blood pumping which is important when you're trying to shake out a particular feeling plus I'm too lazy to exercise.
This image below shows exactly how I look like when I'm dancing in my bedroom, I transform into anyone from Ciara, Mya or Beyonce *krumps*

-watching some (trashy)reality TV that makes me so thankful for my rather boring, stress and ratchet free life. I'm very sure they're killing our brain cells one episode at a time.. It's too bad they're incredibly addictive though *hides*
Nene Leakes is FIRE on The Real Housewives of Atlanta LOL.

I love watching this family. Such a guilty pleasure.

There are sooo many ways to feel better about life.. It really consists of what a man is thinking of all day. You have the power to help your mind stay positive so you work on changing what you don't like about it. Inspire, create, refine, live and enjoy!

Take care

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